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Use Our LCD Digital Signage To Provide Timely And Accurate Flight Data For Passengers

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An Airport Operators primary goal is to keep travellers moving on time and in the right direction.  In order to achieve this it is vitally important to be able to quickly and easily display up to date flight data.    That’s where our LCD displays can help.  Our range of LED, LCD and E-Paper Displays are prefect for Airport Operators who require easily accessible display solutions.

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Provide information via airport digital signage displays
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Our LCD Digital Signage can easily display flight arrival, departure and delay times.  They can also function as way finding maps to help passengers on their way to the right terminal.  Furthermore, our LCD display solutions can also be used to display advertisements and other announcements that can help your establishment bring in more revenue.  Our displays are the perfect solution to help you airport run more smoothly.  Leaving you with happy passengers as a result.

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[grid size=”6″ offset=”1″ class=”show-on-scroll fadeInLeft animate col-no-padding”]LED Display Signs Interact with passengers at airport[/grid]
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Touch Screen Information Kiosks are a great way to provide travellers with way-finding information.  With our easy to use software you can provide your passengers with easy to use maps to locate a range of airport services, terminals, shops, restaurants and toilet locations.  As a result, your airport will run more smoothly and suffer from less congestion.

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LED Display Signs display Duty free ads at airport
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Our LCD digital signage comes with crystal clear imaging.  Allowing you to attract passenger information easily when displaying important information as a result.  You can also use our software to provide passenger with attention grabbing graphics.  Furthermore, our high bright LED and LCD displays are also ideal for advertising.

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[grid size=”6″ offset=”1″ class=”col-no-padding show-on-scroll fadeInRight animate”]LED display signs show flight arrival and departure times[/grid]
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Our LCD digital signage will easily and perfectly display flight information to keep your passengers up to date and happy.  Learning to use our software interface won’t be an issue either.  We provide you with the training necessary to be use able to use your new displays without a hitch.

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LED display Signs used to advertise at airport
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Our Metromatics LCD displas can also be used as Advertising Billboards.  Allowing you to bring in more income as a result.  Thanks to their high bright crystal clear display they are ideal for grabbing the attention of passengers and enticing them to shop at the airport retail stores.

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